Sunday 18 January 2009

Open Access

While I am posting information about workshops, it occurred to me that this might be a good time to tell interested people about the Open Access Studio concept that is operated here.

The open access concept is to allow people without the space or facilities to expand their skills without having to take numerous classes. This allows the individual to take things at their own pace. Of course, the open access is offered by appointment only. It is expected that the people coming will have basic skills and are looking to develop those skills within a working studio environment. The also should have basic hand tools, although more expensive and less used tools can be accessed from the studio. Some assistance with problems is available.

The basic bench hire can be used for leaded glass and copper foil work and other projects that do not require major equipment resources.

Costs: £5 per hour, or £25 per day, by appointment

The open Kiln offers you facilities to develop your interest in kiln forming. The studio facilities are made available to you to create your work. Stephen or an appointed person will be on hand to answer questions and give guidance with your projects and in the firing of the kiln if necessary. It is possible to schedule brief consultations on projects or methods you wish to investigate.

You can use your own glass or buy at the studio. You will need to have your own hand tools. Firing fees and mould rental charges apply. At least one class in kiln formed glass is a prerequisite.

Costs: £5 per hour or £25 per day, by appointment

Kiln firings: £5 for the small kiln (500mm square), £25 for the large kiln (2200x1000mm)

The open torch offers you the same facilities as for the open kiln to develop your skills in torch working. You can use your own glass or buy at the studio. Firing fees and gas charges apply. At least one class in torch working glass is a prerequisite.

Costs: £5 per hour or £25 per day, by appointment

Gas: £10 per bottle of propylene gas, £1 per hour of propane gas

Kiln annealing: £5

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